
I was "raised" by a Linda (a.k.a. Linna) and "groomed" by a Guy...
So, I'm adopted...​
And so is my little brother.
The fun part about being a Millennial is that we grew up with technology and layers of family secrets depending on your geolocation...
The parents like to pretend that what they did and happened before we were born never happened...
So that's like underneath the rug...
A carpet and tile families.
In 8th grade, after I had gotten my braces off and started my anorexia journey, my teacher Mrs. Mauer told Linda that she'd have to get a bat to beat the boys off in Zurich, Switzerland. I just stood there and laughed.
She was shy and catholic...
Then Europe happened.
There was lots of travel and cameras throughout my life and early childhood. The other ones are documented as well on film for videos and cameras. They always have the camera out.
Before social media, people had to know other people so they could send cards and pictures in mail for holidays and other communications. Now people can just do fraud online and pretend like they're someone else - they lie and pretend to be something and someone they're not.
I am my own lane that is the invisible middle of a two lane. It doesn't do anything to me. It just goes back to you and you get
Patterns are created through organized crime and evil intent. It means they did it on purpose and that it's easier to find them out. You can just find them.
The social lords of the feudal lands are based on family feud level of democracy and group think, which doesn't really make sense anymore. That won't scale out the way you think it will...
The digital bubble might burst - like it did in 2020 for everyone who was consciously aware of the world's happenings.
I was raised by a Linda and a Connie and badly influenced and engineered by Maureen and Karalyn under Jeanel's tutelage and mounds of jealousy - so I let Jessa go. She's the only one...
The Path is a show on Hulu. Her first ginger baby boy is the baby actor in that show about a cult with the Pinkman from Breaking Bad.
I will slut shame you and yell and defend my body and personal property until the cows the come home. I will hoot and holler until I'm heard and understood. That is the old Florida way.
I'm not here to be a good example of how you should behave.
You can do that for yourself.
Jealousy is the number one reason and cause of crime. They call it crimes of passion - they mean lack of self-control and emotional overload. That's what they mean. They also mean that there's generations of abuse and brokenness with lies upon lies twisted into a fabricated story of glory and feigned innocent for valor to impress their bosses and gods.
Writing is a lost art.
It's a dead one, because no one has any originality.
All they do is - copy me - badly.
So, that's stupid...
The dumb part about English and Creative Writing is that no one ever pays attention to it, and everyone has bad grammar. People don't spell right, and they don't understand rhetoric and the art of language.
Now, people use AI.
On my spiritual journey, I realized alot of things about myself, others, and the world at large. I've been many places, met many people, and done and not done many things over the years... before social media existed. I'm sure the others that can relate have also slipped through the cracks and don't want to be seen anymore or wish they could redo everything, because there were other factors and things going on behind the scenes that couldn't disclose for whatever reason. So...
It goes.
- Kurt Vonnegut
Metaphysical, ethereal, ephemeral, mystical, mysterious, enigmatic.
The intrigue and magnetic energy of sirens.
The vortex is an energetic field that morphs and fluctuates in oscillating patterns that emit vibrations as frequency.
Cali looks like an alligator. She's seen a lot of them. They try to eat us. They'll hide on the banks or swim really slow to the shore. I've had people tell me that they were close and I shouldn't have been on the waterline. DJ would've said it was fine. One time, one of them leapt out and ate a duck or two on the pine straw banks by the turtle dock in Timberlake Park in University Park.
I had other dreams about those and went back to where it was hiding after.
My ex lied to me about his dead twin. His best friend hates me and was at 7/11. He lives by the Heron Park. That's where they placed the pyramids. I threw them away. They wanted me to take them. Cornelia. Charlie. Henry.
Men want to be me. Women want to be me. They both want me and the rainbow alphabets. All ages. That's not my fault. I was adopted.
So, we had a different dynamic than to say - only blood incest. They know that they didn't birth us from them, so that will look different and be perceived differently... We also know that... And then add layers of white families and friends and other friends from other countries and crazy exes and past acquaintances from who knows where because they're obsessed and have instagram or facebook. They either somehow figured it out or did an online background check or something. That's all traceable as well, because it's public. That means that it's easy to see yourself too... so.
Everyone wants to be something or someone or someone that does something or something that someone has or some type of distinction to feel good about from ego-centric need. He wants to feel good about himself so that he can feel powerful and be abusive. She wants to feel good about herself because she's jealous and bitter. Those are ugly intentions.
You want to start with good energy.
Not bad energy.
So what would a good seed of thought and intention be - instead?
No one will ever be more jealous than Linda, Karen, Lisa, Donna, Bink, Jeanel, Maureen, Aubrey, Karalyn, Jessalyn, Karly and all of the male cousins and uncles and grandparents and people I don't even know...
That's before any strangers or external threats.
That's what in bred we trust means.
Look at them and go through them first.
Thank you.
There's many reasons why people and families are all the same or somewhat similar. Until social media and digital stuff, there was little social mobility - like life before airplanes, trains, and automobiles. I don't want my exes and ex friends and who knows what, because I don't need them to bring me down and lie to me. I am a happy go-lucky homebody who wants the best for all.
You don't know me. You only have terrorized me out of cruelty and sadistic and masochistic desires and pleasures. That's all that is. Bullying and crime.
I just don't understand why stupid, inferior, and unattractive fake people think that they can be evil and lie to do bad things, because they think they can...
I just don't get that.
Think about life from my perspective.
You can't.
You only think about yourself.
You only think out of jealousy.
That means you're pure evil.
Why would anyone trust that...
Or want that around?
Every American thinks that they can "take things into their own hands". So why do you think you should do that out of all people to me...
Ponder that...
That should feel like a mac truck.
I've been a victim to gang violence, stalking, terrorism, fraud/scams/cons, and much much more. The murderers in the brush are the ones who cannot see the truth. They only see what they want to, because they're spying...
They peer into what isn't theirs, because they don't belong.
​​I come from Chicago. That means ice and snow.
That means I'm crazy.
Atlanta. Delaware. Ohio.
Let’s Work Together
I am based in Florida and used to travel before I was gang-stalked, car jacked, hi-jacked, violated, etc.
Tel: 941-666-0445