The jealousy of all for shining in a racist, sexist, ageist society of worldwide rapists & Pedophiles

You're not supposed to know who I am...
Your LA Disneyworld Mindset is the reason for your misery...
It's not really like that. So...
How To Piss People Off:​
Just be a happy go lucky free spirited successful young woman of color with significant achievements, successes, and reputation...​​​​
NAMBLA, spirals, brands, toys, barbies, fairy tales, disney princesses, advertising, superheros, movies, TV Shows, and media fame is one small sliver of the world of money, power, fame, and importance.
They like popsicles and barbies and hotdogs and pasta and pizza and love.
Everyone is the same in more ways than one. The neurodivergent - the functioning differents are the outliers for a reason. We were born with different mental chemistries and blessed with certain DNA downloads that skip generations and are not bequeathed to all for biological reasons.
Layers of class, race, and socio-economics are the other invisible aspects of culture and ways of life that inform lifestyles and social cliques.
There are smalltown oligarchies and world oligarchies.
People have stolen my stuff, tried to frame me, set me up, and have hacked, jacked, and hit me.
I still stand and exist and am grateful to be myself while being surrounded by multiple mysteries that are dependent on me.
Florida is know for racism, ageism, and sexism. That is how the cops and the human traffickers profile targets, hits, and how they get their finder's fees.
So, I am aware of that.
Many people who are just from one area or bandwidth of life only do lateral moves, because they think that will grow their power of control.
So why are you seeking importance and manipulation?
When I say networking, I mean in a professional, business way - not a ghetto, mafia, shitty vibe. I don't mean like how you mean it. I mean it in a high class city way where it's legit and there is a purpose and real relationships. I mean it like that. So...
That is not existing here.
Wonder why that is...
Tourism economy?
Illegal immigrant problems?
Sex trafficking, prostitution, and human trafficking at Disney World, ESPN Bowl and sports games, any sporting event, large scale concerts and festivals, NASCAR, dance nationals competitive championships, media and models, popstars and rappers, politicians and foreigners...
This state is a national and international butt of jokes, but it's also the only state that everyone goes to. Not everyone makes it to NYC, Chicago, or LA, but people go to Florida for vacations, family reunions, spring breaks, retirement, sport, bachelorette parties, TV Shows, and more.
The coast lines are being invaded on both sides.
On a political map, Miami will sink first.
That is the islands capital...
From T.I. to T.I.P., the 411 is this:
the skinny is real.
D.O.B. at Josh's dad's house in Milwaukee. Orange element. Summer Fest. Matt was so jealous and mad. Robby. Angelica. Scott. Me.
The pedophile networks are all over the world. Those ley lines are also the trade routes of drug lords, humman traffickers, illegal immigrants, and evil to move underground through tunnels, through alcoves and caves, and underwater through secret gateways and levels of subterranean knowledge.
Government intel is stashed in D.U.M.B.S. Google it.
Subterra is underground.
The Nagas and confederate era blacks remember the underground railroad where there were tunnels that snake up and down the Mississippi. Harriet Tubman used astrology and the North Star as her navigation system. Intuition is a GPS. The literal technology is now a tool to access and use that knowledge based on planetary alignment, magnetism, and geolocation.
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were the faces of her father's empire which dominated maritime activities which are exempt from land law or traditional legislation relating to continental politics and policies.
He is a poor jew from New York City who Benjamin Franklined his way to the top and saw Ghislaine as his ideal stepping stone and wing woman to facilitate his sex trafficking and money laundering schemes to blackmail, extort, and defame American celebrities, elites, and etc. She is British.
The West Palm and Palm Beach area is the Vegas of Florida. Those roads, bridges, ports, docks, and interstate access were designed by the architects who built their communities and homes for security, protection, and privacy.
Secrecy is inferred.
Social media exacerbates the user's psychology of reality as sight and feeling. The realities of the content creator's vary to differing degrees based on their lifestyles that they are sharing from. The trendcasters and creators are the ones that people copy - whether they give credit or not. It's visible in the contrived carbon copy that they try to hide but is evident for all to see.
The Coaching industry is whatever people make it. There will always be bad people who do bad things, because they don't have anything real to offer. Those drop out. The successful and envied ones are the ones who get stolen from, copied, plagiurized, and shadow banned. The apps only highlight the stupid accounts. What does that say about blue checkmarks?
If all of your stuff was deleted and stolen - how would you feel?
That's happened to me multiple places all over the world.
The immigrants and poor ghettos think that rich people haven't experienced bad shit. That couldn't be more further from the truth. Don't try to bring me down or knock me down to your level based on your mental illness and emotions that are screaming for therapy and healing.
You are a problem. Seek help.
Why haven't I started "working" and "offering services"?
Why do you think...
Again, timing is everything.
What has occurred...
Why would I do that now.
Why would I rush for what for who to copy for your boss which is who?
*The Bigger Questions...
When you become an entrepreneur - whatever that might look for you - you have to change and become a different version of yourself.
When you're a public figure, people will invade your privacy and attempt to justify their envy, obsession, and jealousy to ruin what you're working on and what you're building. They are a distraction, an enemy, and a saboteur with bad energy and negative opinions which are just that - personal opinions.
That is part of mindset coaching.
Social media is the platform for your business to live and connect to your website and other portals to be a home base for your digital endeavors.
This is all explained in personal, private coaching.
This is the stuff that isn't free and shouldn't be, in my opinion.
People wrongly assume that when you're a coach, healer, or influencer that you have to have everything figured out ahead of time. That isn't how the digital world works. From the ground up, everything is always iterative. Everything is based on a system of creativity and refinement with quality testing for the maturation, growth, and completeness of a product.
My clients found me online and in real life.
They wanted to work with me.
I manifest with the tools that I teach them - mindset, energy, and writing.
Healing, honesty, and aligned action are the magic in the making that yields success and results for them based on their unique and individual goals, desires, dreams, and visions for themselves.
I do things that others can't.
That's why they want to work with me, hire me, and pay me.
I change people's lives for the better while they work with me and give them a solid send-off to the world, where they were to begin with, but with what they needed before they met and worked with me.
It's not like a cookie cutter experience, but there is structure and evergreen elements and tools that I share and teach all of my clients and students.
My friends and family members were my first unpaying clients.
They got results for free...
That is why I do what I do, how it works to a degree, and why people want to work with me among other options.
Let’s Work Together
I am based in Florida and used to travel before I was gang-stalked, car jacked, hi-jacked, violated, etc.
Tel: 941-666-0445