T#nightmareexes #nightmarelinda

From the faith of a mustard seed grows the mighty oak...
4give n 4get...
Does it work like that?
Why People Target Me:
So for the "rich kids" who were targeted as children because of what they have or what their parents have or who their parents are or who they are or what their grandparents were a part of... there's extra layers of invisible boundaries, parameters, and expectations. That goes unspoken.
Rich kids, important kids, unique kids, different kids, special kids, and hidden kids are the ones who are taught from birth that their is inside and outside behavior - to always be polite and kind because you never know who you're talking to. It's like Paschal's Theorem. You never know, so...
Compassion is foresight.
That's the cushion of forgiveness or permissible slights...
There are clear lines there that are invisible to the naked or untrained eye.
That means they don't belong...
Imposter syndrome is real, because they're nosing around where they ought not. They're posers. Those are fake people who are con or scam artists.
Most people can't tell the difference...​​​
Why People Copy Me:
​I've always been locally and nationally and internationally under the radar famous in whisper circles of secret elite business in large organizations of invisible industries that yield tons of money and business for geopolitical reasons based on history and war. Allegiances and alliances are normal.
I realized that I was adopted when I was in Kindergarten after we moved from Delaware to Georgia. It was a family magazine construction paper house project but no one looked like Alan or me in the catalogues...
What? Why?
I've been cognizant of race and other countries and stories and lies and truths since before I could read English in smalltown Bible Belt catholic school.
I went to high school in Zurich, CH which is the world's capital of money, wealth, industry, infrastructure, and foreign relations based on international strategy, priorities, and world wellness for everyday functioning at base and high levels. There are three worlds. I am a third culture kid.
I have a unique and signature blend of the familiar and exotic as virtue of being my natural self in any environment as an adopted baby who's moved over 10 times - states and countries. That doesn't count travel for business, leisure, family, and social reasons. That also doesn't include the amount of moves within a city.
I look like the future. I look cool and successful.
People think prostitute because they're poor and provincial or ghetto.
That automatically cancels people out...
Say it without saying it...
Are you illegal. It shows.
Why People Are Gay:
​People are gay because of incest and poor breeding practices. The inbred families are usually also violent, addicts, liars, rapists, pedophiles, and predators who thrive on evil in the name and lie of justice for themselves. They seek places of power to abuse it for their own benefit. They're usually ugly on the inside and the out. I can see when it's facade. They can't.
That's the difference.
People are gay because of DNA and abuse.
That's a personal issue and a familial one.
That bleeds out to society and reflects your hidden secrets.
Why People Want To Murder Me:
I speak the truth, and I know I'm right.
They're usually narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths, pathological liars, jealous, evil, envious, immature, greedy, vain, egocentric, and materialistic.
They mock everything I do and don't do.
Nothing is ever good enough or enough.
They also don't know what no means.
Why Gays Are Murderous:
​Gays are narcissists, because they love themselves only. Therefore they only like people who are like them and agree with them so they can abuse them and use them for their own goals, profits, and agendas. They seek control as a false sense of power. That's abuse...
The gays don't care, because they're depraved and zombie-like. They lack empathy, sympathy, and a higher mind. They are soullless, and it shows.
They can't make peac within themselves, so they just try to ruin and destroy everything that is beautiful, worthwhile, and important.​
They're just cockroaches.
Why Linda Is Evil:
Linda is a lesbian and a pedophile. She's a gay who likes to lie and pretend like she's an innocent church woman. She's anything but...
She's abusive, underhanded, and deceitful. Her only goal in life is to destroy my life and take and rape and murder me. That's her fantasy.
She and Guy adopted me, because they couldn't have kids.
No one else wanted to marry Linda, and Guy has birth defects.
Both of their families are incestual, violent, abusive, addicts, and pedophiles. They're like mob style from different klans with KKK undertones even though we're black...so.
Decipher that.
What That Means:
​That means that race isn't face value and that with shell companies and mafias and secret societies and cults and governmental agencies - you'll never know shuffle the cups unless you're shown...
So you can't do anything to do anything anymore...
That's what 666 - mark of the beast is.
Complete digital surveillance.​​
No one is safe still so...
Why I Deserve:
​I've been a target or targeted individual since I was a child with Alan. When I show, I don't prove. I give intel for people to be vultures. Then they fuck shit up and more people die, because they're bad.
I do work that doesn't even have a name or a title.
I'm famous without a blue checkmark.
I'm the sliver of the invisible worlds...
Why You Don't:
​You weren't born as me. You are not me. You have not lived my life. You are not the same. You want to be me. I am me. What don't you understand?
What Is What Why:
​The government agencies and the 13 royal families are the invisible hand.
​They planned it in secret rooms behind closed doors.
Why You Can Only Be Yourself:
​Everyone is already taken.
Success isn't for everyone... * links to sales page in a cheesy universe *
Let’s Work Together
I am based in Florida and used to travel before I was gang-stalked, car jacked, hi-jacked, violated, etc.
E-Mail: lauren@lwcworld.com
Tel: 941-666-0445