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TRUE LIFE: I'm surveilled by the black web and government agencies 



In my opinion, I am the missing link between cross-platform app data. I am the empty, liminal space betwixt the algorithm and ai space that fills your gaps.

I've been cancelled at least 30x on Instagram. My facebook from 12 years old was deleted and cancelled. I went viral and became tik tok famous. I've gone viral on instagram multiple times. I've been cancelled on twitter/x and tik tok multiple times as well. I would say a conservative estimate in the pursuit of digital ethics and constitutional rights yielded in being cancelled 80x. Give or take... The 2020 Supreme Court Case of the top 5 tech monopolies went overlooked and is directly tied to the Ukrainian War and rigged elections.​


Cambridge Analytica. Obama and Trump used it. The whistleblower was a white girl from an Ivy. She looks european. I think her name is Natalie. That is how Facebook invented programmatic advertising - which is a predatory, brain-washing technique capitalizing off of dark psychology. If you see it 7x, you'll buy it. They also track your cookies, data, and etc...


Hackers can get that data. 






I got into tech early and young. Millennials were the first generation of hybridized children - human droids. The NPCs are bots. They are the factory assembly line people that watch the things or touch the things so they're made and sent out. The designers are the ones who make sure that things can be advertised and made real before production even begins. The User-Experience or UX designers which most often have experience with User-Interface or UI design. I was a product designer at a big 6 media merged digitual publication with 12 verticals by the time my time was up...


I outlasted the other designers...


I helped us all get other jobs or at least be aware of the imminent end...


Bad management in a merger was out of our hands while our voices went muffled and muddled in the gap of confusion and change.




After graduating from a private, city university with a good reputation in the city by the locals and foreigners, I worked odd jobs in food service, nannied, and was a personal chef slash organizer for families and businesses around the city. After a mental breakdown as a server at LPQ (for the grand openings), I let that be the push to pursue a real career with options for a future - graphic design at The Chicago Portfolio School.


I had already completed my Holistic Health Coaching Certification after I graduated a year early from college with honors and cum laude and a scholarship. I had to heal myself and get my driver's license and my ex invited me to live with him in Logan Square. I helped heal him and get a real job after college, because he had gone to the psych ward after being arrested while on acid after breaking into an office in a high rise building with a fire extinguisher.


The Chicago Fire show paid him to film a fire on the roof of the townhouse. That was a good apartment. We were early to gentrification - as per usual.




A lot of people think that they can just do anything these days - especially with tech. In my experience and opinion, I prefer to have a mix of real, professional, and industry standard understanding with self-taugh and new-trendy whatever the shit to stay relevant in an ever-changing innovative industry that's hard to explain, because it's invisible and doesn't look like alot even though it is... so..


That's what UX/UI design means to me in an AI world of Augmented Reality based on their virtual preferences from their remote devices...




The tech space of that nature and sensitivity with a universal consciousness of what is intuitive based on family-feud style data to work with from testing and ethical design methods like IDEO can feel ephemeral in nature.


That's because it is.


The 4-D bridge is the liminal space between idea and creation.


Not every idea gets created. Some are just bad. Some don't make it.




This is a huge marker between levels of education, class, and quality - what is the meaning of this and why.


That's intentional design, which is a big part of branding, branding design, and branding identity - which get tossed around as interchangeable terms, but may not actually be the case when it gets nitty gritty for big brands... You know what I mean?




Design is based on the client's asks, desires, and goals.


Oftentimes, the "finished product" is what the client wants, not necessarily what the designer wants or thinks would be best.


It's a negotiation process that is a compromise of what people say they want and what they actually need - or what will sell and attract the desired niche demographic or target audience to the desired product, service, etc.




In the "digital age" and "space race", the same goal is desired - technological data, media attention, and successful headlines.


What is "real" is malleable these days, for better or worse.


The DIY hackers of arrogant proportions believe that they can intervene, spy, surveil, steal, sabotage, and destroy based on their personal brand of mental illness, jealousy, lack of morals, and poor foresight.


All of that can be traced and tracked as well. You will be penalized...




With all of the immigrants, natural disasters, political upheaval, hostages, war, violence, human trafficking, lying, deceit, pedophilia, rape, and alcoholism, it can be tricky to balance mental health, productivity, and yield.


When people are attacking, spying, sabotaging, stealing, abusing, and taking, it can be difficult to do the right thing. I continue to do the right thing while others continue their bouts of retardation and delusional thinking.


What real value and skills and talent and worth do you really have?


Are you just vying for attention for no reason other than your own personal gratification fueled by a false sense of importance stemming from a deep pit of insecurity and doubt based on your fraudulent identity and sordid past?




For me, I have many crazy exes who are murderers, thugs, ex-felons and convicts, violent, addicted, sober, savant, retarded, incestual, hacker, evil stalkers who just simply lie all of the time, because they're jealous of me, they want to be me, and they are gay. 


So that's their issues.


Not mine.




I speak on my life and they were a part of it for when they were, but they're not anymore. That can't see that difference...


Neither can the incestual, mentally challenged family members. Nor the ex-friends who weren't friends.


They all have the same problems - jealousy and deceit.


They're delusional and scream their warped lies and distorted opinions as Bible when they pale in comparison, even though it's not a contest... because they're like that... not me...




That's some of the past mound of bullshit.




The pyramids are in a line. 


3 in 1.




Orion's Belt is a constellation. Sirius is a star system. 






Dog years. 7.




West Africa.


Sirius A


Sirius B




We are all just made of star dust...

Let’s Work Together

I am based in Florida and used to travel before I was gang-stalked, car jacked, hi-jacked, violated, etc.

Tel: 941-666-0445

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